Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Art of Stan

     My dear old Dad was 82 when he started to write and draw.He passed away at 87. He only had 5 years of it. Stan had to be nudged a bit to get going (he was a self professed 'lazy bugger') but he came up with some precious things. He especially enjoyed drawing chickens. Here is the last piece he sent to me with a commentary related to the time Mernie was attacked by a rooster and had to give it the boot!
     He actually stopped writing and drawing about a year before his departure. Growing up in a struggling working class community where education was considered was a luxury, if not an indulgence,  he wrote in a sort of telegraphic way that was difficult for him, as well as his audience, to decipher.
      For the most part, i could understand it and would edit his work enough for it to be included in a Seniors newspaper. He was very proud to be a 'published author'. However, he had developed no strategies to deal with criticism, so the first time one of his stories was regected on the grounds on 'political correctness', he threw in the towel.
If you can enlarge and read the text you may get a glimpse of his wit and charater. Not bad for someone who could only stay in school to grade six.

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