Saturday, March 28, 2020

Big Commission for beautiful home in Smith Valley

 Thirty one horsse in all.The feature horses are staring to come alive with color little bit by little bit.
 Setting down the sky line. Bridgeport one end and Smith Valley on the other. The two converge on the middle panel.
 Thirty one ghosty horses waiting for their colors. Canvas's are 48' x 36" each. It's a big and high wall.
 The main horse on the right is Bud. Pete's horse, and his pasture mate and sort of look alike on the left is Cody.
The Bridgeport horses. Note the Crags in the background.

So this is what I am doing in isolation. It's a very nice commission for Pete and Nancy Raisbeck of Smith Valley. I've spent several hours sitting at their table milling over photos and hearing a collection of both funny moving stories about each and every one of the horses they want me to depict, as best I can, in my wild, quirky and colorful style. 
This will be a compilation of treasured memories of all the horse that have come into their family circle over a lifetime.Three of Pete's childhood horses are among them. I keep thinking what a fabulous thing to do and I really hope I can do it justice. They know I'm not a realist so are happy to have me conjure likenesses and personalities through gesture and actions. They told me I have until Christmas to finish it but I KNOW they want it as soon as possible.They are excited about it. I do work fast but had no idea how long it would take me. I told them errr about maybe 20 or so hours. I'm up to 30 already! I am hopeless with numbers. Stay tune for updates. R
PS. It goes without saying that my show at Artsy Fartsy is on hold. AF is closed until April 17th. We'll look at how things in the world of Viruses is going then and reschedule appropriately! 

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