Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wonderful Workshop with Pam Brekas

 Click on this image and read about an event on May 6th where you too can experience Pam's Magic.

On Monday I attended an all day workshop at the luxurious home and studio of Nevadan abstract artist Pam Brekas. This was just what the doctor ordered for me to get back into my artist brain. Pam delivered very clear and informative instruction which was followed by having us do lots of busy work. There were five of us, we had lots of room to weild paint and tools and the atmosphere was warm and friendly. I took home five paintings, two finished and sealed with a lusterous gloss finish and three to work on back in my....not so luxurious studio.The place was alive with creative energy as Pam let us go nuts with her supplies while standing by with assistance as needed.Every one was trickled pink!
 See here yours truly like a kid in a candy store.
 Kerleigh (SP) doing really beautiful work and churning out painting after painting.